What We Do
Building the Network
Our goal is to continually build our network to include individuals and agencies from all workforce sectors and levels. As the Ohio Workforce Coalition continues to grow, we can offer more ways to engage with our work:
Our monthly news alert (and members-only newsletter) contains the latest news in the workforce development world – all in one place so you don’t have to search.
Monthly webinars feature speakers from around Ohio and the country. Webinars also build connections among participants.
To grow our – and your – network, we host events to meet others from around the field.
Register for a webinar
Share these links with your network
Growing Engagement
The Ohio Workforce Coalition brings together stakeholders from around the workforce ecosystem to engage in professional development and promote public policies that build the skills of adult workers, meet the workforce needs of employers, and strengthen workforce systems. We represent members from education and training, economic and workforce development, business and industry, community-based workforce organizations, labor, human services, and the public workforce system.
The foundation of the network is the Leadership Committee – an increasingly diverse group of individuals from around the state who establish, disseminate, and advocate for our policy priorities; network with local, state, regional, and national stakeholders; share best and emerging practices about the field and their work; and help to engage new members.
How you can grow engagement:
Contact us with your webinar ideas, or host one yourself!
Is there a subject matter expert we should be talking to? Connect us.
Email us if you’d like to be more involved in our work or information you think should be in our news alerts
Making Policy Recommendations
The relationships the Leadership Committee make through growing the network help to inform our policy recommendations. Our three main recommendations are:
Build Skills: Allocate General Revenue Funds to sector partnerships with 10% of the allocation set up as a flexible training, employment and job-retention fund for Ohioans under 300% of the FPL.
Support Employers: Create a voluntary Ohio Premier Employer designation for employers who invest in their workforce (e.g., predictable scheduling, workplace safety, tuition reimbursement). Designees receive priority access to workforce funds and initiatives; technical assistance is provided for those who do not reach designation status.
Strengthen Systems: Promote data transparency and document impact of JobsOhio and Office of Workforce Transformation initiatives on Ohio’s workforce (jobseekers and businesses/agencies).
FY202 OWC closely monitors and analyzes the state budget as it moves from the Governor’s office to the Ohio House and Senate. We provide budget recommendations, and update our members on budget progression.
How you can support policy changes:
Endorse OWC policy priorities.
Share OWC policy priorities with your network and legislative contacts.
Support state and federal legislation (e.g., authorizing and budgetary measures) and administrative decisions (e.g., initiatives, rule-making, governance changes) that achieve the goals of OWC.
Tell us what you see – do you have information related to our policy priorities? Please share your experience!
Advocating for Change
OWC advocates for the future we want to see: Ohioans have equitable access to the supports needed to advance into and along career pathways and racial disparities in employment and earnings are overcome; Ohio’s premier employers are recognized for their quality jobs and receive special consideration when replying to state RFPs, state training applications, and other supports; and Ohio’s state workforce programs and investments are guided by data, informed by local stakeholders, and accountable for equitable results.
We especially advocate for data transparency, and disaggregating data by race, gender, and other demographics to analyze the full impact of workforce-related initiatives.
Throughout the year, we engage in advocacy at the local, state, and national levels. OWC:
Meets with state and federal representatives and senators throughout the year
Attends Hill visits during the National Skills Coalition’s annual Skills Summit in May
Presents policy priorities to key leadership in the General Assembly, Governor’s Office, government departments, and budget staff
By promoting increased communications, transparency, and accountability in Ohio’s workforce programs and systems, we keep racial equity, worker voice, job quality, and open data at the center of our advocacy efforts.
How you can advocate for change:
Educate local leaders and government officials about OWC’s policy priorities.
Endorse OWC policy priorities and share with your network.
Offer your subject matter expertise to analyze policies.
Share with us issues that are important to you.
Support the efforts of the Ohio Workforce Coalition
Ohio Workforce Coalition
Columbus, Ohio
Email: info@ohioworkforcecoalition.org